Echium plants now available to order for April 2025 delivery
National Collection holders of Echium.
Specialists growers in the UK

About Us
Echiums are our passion - we want you to become passionate too! Based in the East Midlands we are specialist growers in Nottinghamshire.
Echiums are a great growing option to give your garden the wow factor and be the envy of your neighbours! Echium pininana varieties can reach over 5 metres tall and all varieties are a magnet for bees and butterflies and other important insects.
Echiums can be planted outside when there is no further risk of frost and several varieties are hardy.
Holders of the 'National Collection of Echium', Silver Medal exhibit winners - RHS Hampton Court & RHS Chatsworth Flower Shows
Love Echiums.....
Bees and butterflies do!
Echium Pininana - Giant Tree Echium, blue, pink & white
Wildpretii - Fastuosum - Italicum - Russicum
Virescens - Gentianoides - Nervosum
Simplex - Candicans -Tuberculatum
Amoenum (Red Feathers) - Onosmifolium
Webbii - Strictum - Vulgare (Vipers' Bugloss)
And more......
All plants grown in Nottinghamshire, England
Echium World plants featured on the Alan Titchmarsh Garden "From the moors to the sea" at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2014.